{copied from my fb friend}. BRILLIANT. 🙏 Hoping all will see this, as I genuinely can't answer messages here for a while. Since 2020, I tried to find a middle ground on social media. So people could see and or share facts, that would not instil fear. And so that I would not be censored I was careful with wording. Including commentary that somehow turns into an opinion column, to include slamming whatever was written. Since 2020, people on all sides of the ongoing madness, treated each other badly. I had and have one wish, and that is for True societal care to kick in. That no matter what the reasons for the entire world changing, we might look after each other. That we would not squabble and squirm in the face of sanction. But instead to move to a place of Trust. And Truth. Away from political sides and decoy distract theatrics. Since 2020, for the most part, people blamed and shamed each other, instead of stopping what was clear as day in front of everyone's faces. A technocratic install that is digitising the world. Something that like every other challenge in life, should be faced. But one side are in denial of it happening, and the other is falling for everything thrown at it. As a result, the hurt is getting worse. Since 2020, many friendships and families fell apart. That is the sad reality of what pressure can achieve. Survival of the fittest means dangerously competitive ways of being. But when inside a technocratic cage grid, such behaviour is like lab rats fighting over the cheese. Whatever everyone knows, we are meant to know.. It is fed to us, to fight over, to mock, and to keep fear flowing. Because fear creates the fight , flight or freeze syndrome that ensures we mess up; then hurting each other. Since 2020, many words have been shared across social media to terrorise. Those consuming the horror can break under the pressure. There seems to be no filter. As we continue to mock the mockers and hate the haters; either stirring the cauldron of doom, or faking the kind of ' positivity ' that can end up with a neck in a rope. I know very successful people who were hammered for the last three years. They are in as much despair as anyone else. But they employ others who will lose everything if they lose their jobs. Hospital other public service workers are overwhelmed with strain as this infrastructure is dismantled for the reset. And the fact is , we need them. And we need each other. The reason, the so-called Elite are in charge, is because they have the OneNess that we somehow cannot muster. And I happen to believe that we, collectively, will rise from this. Because pressure makes the diamond. Pressure, time, and heat. Since 2020 I have had no ill-will for any person, or any side. To blame pawns on the messianic chequerboard is born from a weakness I do not have. Thoughts are powerful. Those who set out to influence others' thoughts, might suspend ' self ' to do so, which is a painful process. But behind the self, is the soul, and behind the soul is Truth and Trust. Interdependent words, that open all doors; especially to the message that is the core of every religious and liberal teachings. ' Love one another '. And the best of us will forgive and forget. There is a statue named Liberty, that holds the torch. Maybe Loki's torch. There is a city named Jerusalem that waits for a star, that is named in the Koran as the Lord. There is a place named in Genesis, as the Peneal; where it is also said we meet the creator. There are connections that remain veiled. I've carefully decoded many things since I was a tiny child. But for me, the most powerful thing on earth, is the beating heart, in every child; that now need better adults to show them the way. There is a divine spark inside me, that simply knew when to step away, for my own reset. For now I won't be accessing this page, or messages. I'll post here again. Differently. Someday. And there will be no ' self ' as such. Love to all.

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